Journal Publication

IR Research Publication covers the Publication of Journal “Biological Sciences”, which publishes articles in the field of Biological, Medical, Pharmaceutical, and Life Sciences.

Overview of Biological Sciences

Biological Sciences is a double-blind peer-reviewed open-access online journal published quarterly by IR Research Publication. The scope of Biological Sciences is broad, which includes all fields of medical, pharmaceutical, and life sciences. We understand the value of time for researchers, thus, the submission to the first decision time is one week. This journal accepts Research Article, Full-length Review, Systematic Review, Short Communication, Mini-Review, Methods, and Opinion. Biological Sciences is indexed in Crossref, Google Scholar, and Dimensions and archived in LOCKSS, CLOCKSS, and Internet Archive.

Topics included but not restricted to, are-

Clinical Studies, Pharmacology, Toxicology, Pharmaceutics, Chemistry, Pharmacognosy, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, Structural Biology, Biotechnology, Animal Biology, Bioinformatics, and Biophysics.

Indexing and Archiving


Google Scholar

Advanced Science Index





Internet Archive




Timing of Publication

IR Research Publication understands the value of time for researchers, thus, the submission to the first decision time is one week. Also, the duration of acceptance to online is one week.

Types of articles accepted

Research article

Full length review

Systematic review

Short communication

Mini review



Article Processing Charge

IR Research Publication does not charge any submission fee or color figure charges. This is an open-access journal that provides free access to any published articles to everyone. To compensate for our rigorous peer-review and publication processes, we levy Article Processing Charge (APC). Click here to know the APC.

Article Processing Charge Waivers & Discounts

Biological Sciences provides waivers and/or discounts on the APCs for the accepted papers whose corresponding authors are based in countries classified by the World Bank as low-income as of July 2020. List of eligible countries.

For the authors from other countries with insufficient funds, the APC discounts will be granted on a case-by-case basis

The corresponding author shall request a waiver or discount during the submission. Click here for more detail.


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