Nano-biofertilizers: Progressive evolution for sustainable agriculture

Arti S Shanware
Latasha H Taiwade


The application of Nano-biotechnology for the development of fertilizer to enhance the nutritional kinetics of the plant-soil system for sustainable agricultural systems is being reviewed. Excessive use of synthetic fertilizers has caused deleterious effects on the soil microflora, it not only reduces its fertility but also causes lessened remuneration causing financial losses as well as side effects on the environment further causing degradation of biodiversity. Nanotechnology has become a promising area to deal with the above problems, especially in agriculture. With the help of Nano-biotechnology, a conjugated strategy comprising nanomaterials and bio-fertilizers can be achieved which will prove to be a unique, environmentally safe Nano-biofertilizer also having economic value. According to the existing literature, Nano-biofertilizer plays a significant role to modify plant and soil systems for the amelioration of agricultural productivity. Both Nanotechnology and bio-fertilizers work harmoniously due to microbial resurrection as well as nanomaterial coatings delivering higher captivity of soil moisture and vital nutrients of plant and it is because plant growth promoters inside the bioorganic components are generally present and it is either due to direct or indirect relation which can be easily related to various aspects like disease resistance, rhizoremediation and so on. Efforts are being made to review the bio-fertilizer formulations, which are based on nanotechnology with the motive to attain enhanced and sustainable crop production.

DOI: 10.55006/biolsciences.2022.2201
Published: 24-04-2022

How to Cite
Shanware, A. S., & Taiwade, L. H. (2022). Nano-biofertilizers: Progressive evolution for sustainable agriculture. Biological Sciences, 2(2), 166–171.


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