Review on phytochemical constituents and pharmacological activities of plant Calendula officinalis Linn.

Garima Dhingra
Prashant Dhakad
Sonia Tanwar


Calendula officinalis, a member of the Asteraceae family and also called Pot Marigold, is a fragrant herb used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to cure injuries, sores, herpes, scar tissues, skin problems, frost-bite, and blood purifying. It is primarily used for the treatment due to its numerous pharmacological properties such as analgesic, antihyperglycaemic, anti-ulcer, and anti-inflammatory. It is also used to cure gastrointestinal issues, obstetric issues, eye problems, skin wounds, and some instances of burns. Calendula oil is still being used therapeutically as an anti-cancer agent and a tissue repair cure. Calendula extracts have antiviral and anti-mutagenic activities in-vitro, according to plant pharmacological studies. Calendula in suspension or liquid form is being used topically in herbal remedies to treat skin conditions like acne, reduce swelling, regulate bleeding, and soothe irritated tissue. Internal use of an admixture or tincture of the flower petals is effective for the treatment of yeast infections and indigestion. Calendula officinalis infusion can also be used to cure insect bites, eye inflammatory disorders, boils and carbuncles, varicosities, dermatitis, and as a rinse for oral sores or tooth pain. Phytochemical screening has revealed the existence of several groups of compounds, the most important of which are triterpenoids, flavonoids, coumarins, quinones, volatile oil, carotenoids, and amino acids. This review investigated the sensory attributes, in-vitro, and in-vivo pharmacological properties, as well as the explanation, agricultural production, and active compounds of Calendula officinalis, in terms of enhancing the current knowledge on this plant and illustrate its multiactivity characteristics as a therapeutic plant.

DOI: 10.55006/biolsciences.2022.2205
Published: 13-06-2022

How to Cite
Dhingra, G., Dhakad, P. ., & Tanwar, S. (2022). Review on phytochemical constituents and pharmacological activities of plant Calendula officinalis Linn . Biological Sciences, 2(2), 216–228.


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