Our writing experts are dedicated to provide high-quality English language editing. We ensure that your texts are free of  all kinds of English language related  flaws, including  spelling, grammar, sentence structure, redundancy, punctuation, and consistency. Furthermore,  we also use premium proofreading software to cross check human and manual errors. On top of that, we charge affordable and genuine price. Click here for the pricing. Collectively, we make your texts such as  manuscripts, thesis, dissertation, and research project, fully free of any kind of English language errors. Contact us now for the quotation.

Scientific Editing

Our team consists of  highly qualified scientific content writers, who have expertise in every kinds of scientific editing such as improving the contents of manuscript, book, and thesis as per the standards of journals, publishers, and institutes. Accordingly, we aid the authors in smooth and hassle free publication.  Additionally, we charge affordable and genuine price. Click here for the pricing.  Contact us now for the quotation.  

What is manuscript

Manuscript Formatting

Journals provide specific formatting requirements based on their own set of rules. It includes formatting of title page information, abstract structure, reference style, font size, line spacing, margins, layout, paragraph style, figure and table arrangements. These works are highly crucial as failure to meet the formatting requirement lead to rejection of most of the submitted manuscripts. Our team have extensive expertise with the manuscript formatting. We ensure that your papers are prepared in accordance with exacting publication requirements. We verify uniformity in the document by matching your paper to the Instructions for Authors of your chosen journal. Please Contact us right away for a quote with exciting discounts. 

Thesis Formatting

Thesis formatting is a time-consuming activity require knowledge of proper format to avoid any error. It requires a skilled person to have apparent knowledge of formatting, structure, redundancy, punctuation and consistency. A minor mistake in this process can cause enormous loss, like if you do not adhere to the outlined margin rules, you may lose text when you bound your thesis. Therefore, we advise to choose the thesis formatting service provided by IR Research Publication. We have qualified experts who are specialized in formatting. We charge affordable and genuine price. Click here for the pricing. Collectively, we make your text fully free of any kind of formatting errors. Contact us now for the quotation. 


Figure Editing

Most of the Journals have prescribed a specific guideline for the figure formatting. Such as the length and width size in pixel, inch or cm, resolution in DPI, and figure scale. Several Journals also required Graphical Abstract with specific formatting requirements. The figure formatting required the skill of various tools, including, Adobe Illustrator, Paint, and MS PPT. Don’t worry, our experts are skilled in all those tools; thereby, we make and edit all kinds of figures required by you for your manuscript or thesis. Click here for the pricing. Contact us now for the quotation.